What Can I Expect from Jawline PDO Threads Treatment?


Improving your skin’s texture and reducing the signs of aging in the face and neck, like sagging skin, a double chin, or “jowls,” is a common goal for many women and men.

A fresh, lifted appearance and a tighter, firmer face is the ultimate goal of jawline threading. A PDO THREAD LIFT on the jawline may be the best approach for people seeking facelift-like results without invasive surgery.

If you’re curious about PDO jawline threading and tighter skin, we can help! BevelUp of Tampa, FL, specializes in revolutionary skincare and cosmetic procedures to help improve your skin’s elasticity and texture without extensive surgeries.

We believe in using leading-edge technology to help boost your confidence in your appearance and reduce some of the damages the sun and natural effects of aging can inflict upon your skin.

Today, we’re looking at what to expect from a typical jawline threads procedure and answering some of our Tampa clients’ most common questions about thread lift jawline procedures.

What Exactly Are PDO Threads Jawline Procedures?

PDO stands for polydioxanone, a chemical with the ability to stimulate natural regeneration at the cellular level. It’s been used successfully in cardiovascular medicine, and cosmetic dermatologists have recently incorporated the process into skin-tightening procedures.

Unlike some injectables or newer cosmetic treatments, PDO has been used in the medical field for decades. They are safely used to suture and tighten incisions after cardiovascular or other surgeries and in treating certain gynecological disorders. Safe and non-toxic, PDO jawline threads may be a great alternative to fillers.

The PDO jawline threading procedure is a same-day, outpatient procedure. A local anesthetic numbs the skin around the targeted area. Then, PDO threads are inserted with needles called cannulas. The threads act as “anchors” while the rest of the skin is lifted upwards.

Once the procedure is completed, the excess threads are cut off. The PDO threads also stimulate collagen production in the area, which plumps the skin, inflating sagging areas and giving a tauter appearance.

Preparing for Your PDO Jawline Threads Procedure

Before your jawline threading appointment, you’ll receive certain instructions from your BevelUp doctor. Follow these exactly, and please call us with any questions. Do not smoke or drink alcohol for several days before your procedure. Furthermore, refrain from taking:

  • Ginkgo
  • Omega fish oil supplements
  • Chinese medicine
  • Vitamin E
  • Turmeric
  • Aspirin

Also, avoid engaging in high-intensity workouts and visiting steam rooms and saunas. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh foods.

After the treatment, your face may be sore and a little swollen, so try to schedule the remainder of the day to rest and recuperate, taking care not to disturb the threads while you heal. Sleeping on your back is also advised.

Ideal Candidates for a PDO Thread Lift for Jawline

Not everyone will achieve the same results from PDO thread lifts. Ideal candidates for this procedure are over 30 with enough slack in their skin texture to see distinct results from the procedure.

It’s best for people with mild or moderate sagging and wrinkles. People younger than 30 with tight facial and jaw skin may not achieve noticeable results.

If you’re older than 60, have deep lines and wrinkles on your face, and have significant sagging in the jaw, neck, and chin area, you may not see the level of improvement that others might.

There may be some tightening of the areas you’re targeting and an improvement in the elasticity of your face, but your body may not produce enough collagen from the PDO stimulation to achieve facelift-like results. Our specialists can work with you to determine the right procedures to help you get the desired result.

Frequently Asked Questions About PDO Jawline Threads

Common questions about PDO jawline threads include:

What Is the Effect of a Jawline Thread?

The end goal for this procedure is to have fewer lines and visible wrinkles, greater elasticity in the skin, and enhanced skin texture. Many clients also have less sagging in their jowls and a reduced appearance of a double chin.

Can PDO Threads Be Used in Places Besides the Jawline?

Yes! PDO threading is a versatile procedure and may be applied just about anywhere on the face. Common areas for a PDO lift include:

  • Nasolabial folds
  • Eyebrows
  • Naso jugal folds
  • Marionette lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Under eye area
  • Cheeks

Ask your doctor about other PDO options for your desired results.

How Long Does a Jawline Thread Treatment Take?

Most of our PDO treatments take about an hour, although it may take longer for some clients if the numbing agent takes longer to penetrate.

What Does PDO Threading on the Jawline Feel Like?

There is some pressure. We strive to ensure that your PDO thread lift is as comfortable as possible and work with you to ensure that the numbing agent is fully active.

How Long Will My Results Last?

The noticeable results from PDO thread lifts can vary by person. You’ll have longer, better results if you strictly follow your aftercare instructions from your doctor. It takes about four weeks for the full results to show. However, the changes will fade with time, unlike a facelift.

Is PDO Jawline Threading Right for You?

If you’re curious about how a PDO jawline lift can improve your appearance, contact BevelUp’s Tampa, FL, office today! We offer a personalized consultation about the results you’ll achieve with the procedure and walk you through the process.

Our ultimate goal is to help you feel better about yourself and look your best without invasive surgical procedures.


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